Aug 8, 2023
Something that you may not know about me is that I'm a bit of an aromatherapy aficionado and full-time kitchen witch.
In case you're unfamiliar, aromatherapy is the use of essential oils extracted from plants to promote physical and mental wellness. Essential oils are highly concentrated and many contain natural compounds that provide therapeutic benefits when inhaled, ingested, or applied to the skin. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. In this blog post, I will cover how I use essential oils to aid in the relaxation and wellness cannabis provides.
Everybody knows the trick of adding ice to your bong, but here's my favorite hack: adding a drop or 2 of essential oils to bong water to add a little extra pizzazz to the smoking experience. Using botanicals such as lavender, chamomile, and bergamot- all which have calming properties- I chill that extra bit. Are you a cougher? I find that peppermint essential oil provides a cooling sensation in my throat.
Helpful hint: adding lime oil once made my weed taste like tacos!
Some essential oils have natural antimicrobial or antiviral properties that can help keep your water pieces a little cleaner. My bong, for example, has a complex percolation system that is extremely difficult to clean out. During a deep clean I will make sure to use a bit of lemon essential oil so that the water that gets trapped in the percolation system will at least be a little less gross.
Helpful hint: do NOT add essential oils to boiling water, lest you want eye-watering vapor to hit your face. Trust me on this one.
For those strains that enhance your senses, essential oils are a must! In my wellness bag I keep a moderate rotation- usually vanilla, lavender, and sandalwood- on-hand to sniff as my heart desires. These are scents that elicit positive feelings from me regardless of being high. That being said, my joy is taken to new levels when my nose gets wind of these scents during a high.
Helpful hint: sweet orange is known to enhance dreams. Pair that with vanilla and feel like you're inhaling a 50/50 bar.
Okay, so it's technically herbalism, but I love adding a bit of dried lavender to my ground bud for extra taste and its natural destressing properties. The flowers are already the perfect size to add to your bowl- no need to grind. Just sprinkle a few on top and have a go!
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